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Book Review

Abetting Madness: The Role of Illicit and Prescribed Drug in Promoting Psychotic and Manic Disorder

Carl Salzman, MD

Published: June 15, 2005

Article Abstract

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Malcolm Bowers, Jr., a professor of psychiatry at Yale anda leading American researcher in the neurobiology of schizophrenia,has written a useful, concise historical review of the relationshipbetween illicit drugs and prescribed medication andthe development of psychosis. Bowers begins with a historicalreview of the role of hallucinogens in the 1960s and their potentialfor producing what was considered to be "a model psychosis."Their usefulness as a model for psychosis, however, wasshort-lived, as they were increasingly used by the countercultureof the 1960s.’

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Volume: 66

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