CME Institute Activities

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Scientific and clinical aspects of "Weightless," a song designed to reduce stress, while also examining skepticism about its universal effectiveness.
Brain network biomarkers in patients who have recovered from psychosis, offer valuable insights into predicting relapse and guiding personalized treatment strategies.
New study examines the link between aspartame and autism, involving parents of 235 children with autism and 121 without.
The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders published a paper that suggests the use of trait mindfulness-based interventions might help reduce anxiety levels in students who present with severe problematic social media use.
Rat lungworm invades Atlanta, posing a new public health threat as it creeps across the southern United States.
A Nature study uses immunology to crack the code on Long COVID.
Empaths can transform their sensitivities into significant assets by fine-tuning and controlling their emotions.
intranasal ketamine
The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders published a paper that suggests the use of trait mindfulness-based interventions might help reduce anxiety levels in students who present with severe problematic social media use.