CME Institute Activities

Additional stories

A new study of mice shows that the memory loss from repeated head trauma – like the kind NFL players endure – might be reversible.
This week begins with a review of the latest internet gaming disorder research, a case report of tapentadol-induced hallucinations, and a novel way to identify face blindness.
Early childhood adversity appears to accelerates brain development in preschool-aged children leading to a host of problems later in life.
Researchers exposed rodents to cannabis vapor and found it significantly increased their appetite by activating specific brain neurons.
In findings that are as unsurprising as they are tragic, new research out of Brown University has found that Black Americans suffer strokes nearly 10 years earlier than their white counterparts.
Close up of African-American psychologist taking notes on clipboard in therapy session for children
This week begins with a review of the latest internet gaming disorder research, a case report of tapentadol-induced hallucinations, and a novel way to identify face blindness.
New research reveals a bidirectional link between autoimmune diseases and perinatal depression, with multiple sclerosis showing the strongest association in both directions.
ChatGPT Dutch researchers have identified five distinct subtypes of Alzheimer's disease based on molecular makeup and risk profiles.